For loops perform the same action for each item in a list of things.
Some examples where for loops can be useful in real life:
Why are loops useful?
For loops in R take the form:
for (iterator in a set of values){
do a thing or things
Let’s start with a simple example. In one of the simplest examples, you can have it just print out the iterator 1:10
for(i in 1:10){
Now, let’s do something a little more interesting with the loop variable i
for(i in 1:10){
Now lets do one that is a little more complex. For each item in our grocery cart, let’s say we want to scan the item, get the value, and add it to the total.
for (items in my grocery cart){
scan the item, get the value, add to total
items = c('coffee', 'milk', 'eggs')
for(i in items){
print(paste('scan', i))
print(paste('get value of', i))
print(paste('add value of', i, 'to total'))
prices = c(5, 2.50, 1.25)
names(prices) = items
Now we can index prices using the item names
Ok, let’s perform the actions we outlined above:
for (i in items){
print(paste('scan', i))
value = prices[i]
Now lets keep a running total, first we’ll need to intialize a total.
total = 0
for (i in items){
print(paste('scan', i))
value = prices[i]
total = total + value
Exercise: Use a for loop to sum the numbers in the following vector: numbers = c(10,40,50,70,80)
numbers = c(10,40,50,70,80)
count = 0
for (n in numbers){
count = count + n
sum(numbers) # see if we got the right answer
Now let’s go back to our cars dataset, iterate through the states, and find the max speed per state
states = unique(cars$State)
for (s in states){
max_speed = max(cars$Speed[cars$State == s])
Exercise: Combine if statements and for loops. Modify what we did above where we iterate through states and get the max speed, and print “Cars go slow here in
for (s in states){
max_speed = max(cars$Speed[cars$State == s])
if(max_speed < 50){
print(paste('Cars go slow here in',s))
print(paste('Cars go fast here in', s))
Now let’s store the max speed in a vector. First, we initialize a vector max_speed
max_speed_store = rep(NA, length(states))
for (s in 1:length(states)){
max_speed = max(cars$Speed[cars$State == states[s]]) # now we need to index states
max_speed_store[s] = max_speed