1 Differential Expression Workflow

Here we will proceed with count normalizations and fit our DESeq2 model.

Step Task
1 Experimental Design
2 Biological Samples / Library Preparation
3 Sequence Reads
4 Assess Quality of Raw Reads
5 Splice-aware Mapping to Genome
6 Count Reads Associated with Genes
7 Organize project files locally
8 Initialize DESeq2 and fit DESeq2 model
9 Assess expression variance within treatment groups
10 Specify pairwise comparisons and test for differential expression
11 Generate summary figures for comparisons
12 Annotate differential expression result tables

1 In this module, we will:

  • Discuss count normalizations
  • Execute model fitting for differential expression comparisons

2 Count normalizations

Since counts of mapped reads for each gene is proportional to the expression of RNA in addition to many “uninteresting” other factors, normalization is the process of scaling raw count values to account for the “uninteresting” factors and ensure expression levels are more comparable.

2.1 Normalization goals

Two common factors that need to be accounted for during normalization are sequencing depth and gene length.

  • Sequencing depth normalization is neccessary to account for the proportion of reads per gene expected for more deeply sequenced samples (like in pink below) versus a less deeply sequenced sample (like in green blow.)
Note that each pink or green rectangle represents an aligned read, with reads spanning an intron connected by a dashed line.Figure credit to HBC training materials

Note that each pink or green rectangle represents an aligned read, with reads spanning an intron connected by a dashed line.Figure credit to HBC training materials

  • Gene length normalization is necessary since genes of different lengths have different probablities of generating fragments that end up in the library. In the example below, both genes have similar levels of expression. However, the number of reads that map to the longer gene (Gene X) will be much great than the number of reads that map to the short gene (Gene Y).
Each pink rectangle represents an aligned read, with reads spanning an intron connected by a dashed line.Figure credit to HBC training materials

Each pink rectangle represents an aligned read, with reads spanning an intron connected by a dashed line.Figure credit to HBC training materials

Note: The above figures are originally from a HBC tutorial that also includes a detailed comparison of different normalization (CPM, TPM, FPKM) approaches and their best uses.

2.2 DESeq2 normalizations

An additional consideration for normalization is RNA composition. A few highly differentially expressed genes, differences in the number of genes expressed between samples, or contamination are not accounted for by depth or gene length normalization methods. Accounting for RNA composition is particularly important for differential expression analyses, regardless of the tool used.

DESeq2 has an internal normalization process. However for data exploration and visualizations, it is helpful to generate an object of independently normalized counts.

For downstream quality control visualization, we will use the rlog transformation.

rld <- rlog(dds, blind = TRUE)
## -- note: fitType='parametric', but the dispersion trend was not well captured by the
##    function: y = a/x + b, and a local regression fit was automatically substituted.
##    specify fitType='local' or 'mean' to avoid this message next time.

The rlog transformation produces log2 scale data that has also been normalized to overall library size as well as variance across genes at different mean expression levels. For larger numbers of samples, there is an alternative transformation method, vst that can be used instead for count normalizations.

head(assay(rld), 3)
##                    Sample_116498 Sample_116499 Sample_116500 Sample_116501
## ENSMUSG00000000001     12.639049     12.609976     12.791192     12.619063
## ENSMUSG00000000028      7.847671      8.152787      7.949574      8.203993
## ENSMUSG00000000031      1.489351      1.601985      1.606559      1.457147
##                    Sample_116502 Sample_116503 Sample_116504 Sample_116505
## ENSMUSG00000000001     12.721280     12.668801     12.531667     12.507981
## ENSMUSG00000000028      8.464987      8.506084     10.825518     10.897101
## ENSMUSG00000000031      1.619475      1.413016      2.052145      1.854749
##                    Sample_116506 Sample_116507 Sample_116508 Sample_116509
## ENSMUSG00000000001     12.475655     12.727173     12.513630     12.469952
## ENSMUSG00000000028     11.006593     11.159956     11.067216     11.094892
## ENSMUSG00000000031      1.621772      1.552014      2.035164      2.322059

Looking at the rld values, we can see that they are now in log scale. Since we set blind=TRUE, the transformation is blind to the sample information we specified in the design formula. The normalized counts are only necessary for visualization methods during expresion-level quality assessment and aren’t used in the model fitting.

3 DESeq2 Model Fitting

Next, we’ll fit our standard model and our model that includes the patient origin covariate using the DESeq function and take a look at the objects we generate.

# Apply model - takes some time to run
dds <- DESeq(dds)
## [1] "Intercept"                    "Gtype.Tx_ko.Tx_vs_wt.Tx"     
## [3] "Gtype.Tx_ko.control_vs_wt.Tx" "Gtype.Tx_wt.control_vs_wt.Tx"

The results include three pairwise comparison to specified control as default but other information is now stored in the dds object so can generate additional pairwise comparisons.


Optional - we can fit a seperate DESeq2 model for our patient sample example, which included a covariate in our model.

dds_patient <- DESeq(dds_patient)
## [1] "Intercept"                    "patient_P2_vs_P1"            
## [3] "patient_P3_vs_P1"             "Gtype.Tx_ko.Tx_vs_wt.Tx"     
## [5] "Gtype.Tx_ko.control_vs_wt.Tx" "Gtype.Tx_wt.control_vs_wt.Tx"

Notice that with the additional covariate, additional comparisons are generated by the tool. Since we arbitrarily added the patient origin information, the dds object will be what we primarily use moving forward. You can explore the impact of adding a covariate by substituting dds_patient for dds when working through later excercises on your own since both DESeq2 objects have their data organized in the same way.

Checkpoint: If you see the same results when you execute resultsNames(dds), please indicate with the green ‘yes’ button. Otherwise, please use the ‘red x’ button to get help

4 Summary

In this section, we:

  • Learned about count normalizations and uses
  • Generated a normalized count table
  • Fit two DESeq2 models for our data
  • Saw the impact of including a covariate in our model

5 Sources

5.1 Training resources used to develop materials

These materials have been adapted and extended from materials listed above. These are open access materials distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.