This document guides you through the preliminary steps necessary to participate in the workshop. To complete this setup, you will need:
While we have endeavored to make this setup process work robust and comprehensive, installing bioinformatics software is tricky and we would be happy to lend a hand to get things working.
If you have problems/questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at:
When emailing it will speed things along if you could include:
If you have not used Zoom before, please use the following link to
install “Zoom client for Meetings”
Additional Zoom settings for Macintosh:
1.1 To enable screen sharing (useful for breakout rooms and tech support)
1.2. To enable remote control (useful for breakout rooms and tech support)
1.3. Close and relaunch Zoom client.
2.1. In the Slack email invitation from the hosts, click the link to join the Slack workspace.
2.2. Follow the Slack instructions to login or create an account. You may edit your profile to add a photo if you choose.
2.3. Note that once your Slack account is established and you have
accepted the Slack invite you can access the Slack channel by pointing
your web browser here:
Duo 2FA ensures access to computing resources are secure. You can skip this step if you already have Duo installed on your smartphone or tablet.
3.1 Follow the instructions under “Get Started Now”:
If you already have an active Great Lakes user login you can skip to
step 5 below. (And if you are not sure whether you
have a login, you can try step 5 below and come back here if your login
ARC staff typically process these requests very quickly,
but it would be diligent to submit this request ASAP.
4.1 In your browser, go to:
You may be prompted to login
using your uniqname, level-1 password, and Duo 2FA.
4.2 In the form, enter the following information:
4.3 Review and accept the terms of service and submit the request.
You will need to pause here until you receive an email from ARC confirming that your account has been created.
5.1. In your web browser, follow this link:
5.2 The first time you do this, you may see a standard UM Weblogin
page (below). Enter your uniqname and level-1 password and click
Log-In. Check your phone/tablet for a Duo 2FA Push
notice and Accept.
5.3 Your browser will update to show a terminal window with a banner
showing brief terms of use followed by a password challenge (below).
Click in this window to ensure the browser has focus and type your
level-1 password followed by the Enter or
Return key.
password prompt does not change as you type your password - while
unsettling, this is ok and it is actually accepting your
5.4 The terminal window inside the browser will prompt for Duo
authentication; choose a method and accept the Duo challenge on your
phone or tablet.
5.5 The terminal window will update to show welcome text and a
command prompt. Note that you may see some red text warning about ARC
Maintenance and your prompt may look slightly different than below;
that’s ok.
5.6 At the command prompt copy & paste the following command
followed by Enter/Return key
The command should show a block of text like this:
Thank you for taking the time to setup and test your configution
in advance of the workshop. We look forward to seeing you soon!
If you see the text above, you have successfully logged into Great Lakes and you are ready for the workshop.
You can close this window by typing exit at the command prompt or simply closing the browser window.
Your workstation and logins are ready for the workshop; thank you for taking time to set this up in advance.
If you are using Windows:
Press Windows Key + R to launch a command
window. Make sure the Open
field says cmd
click OK.
You will see a new command window containing something like this (yours may have more text and the last line may look a bit different; that’s ok)
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1935]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
If you are using a Mac:
Macintosh OSX has a built in command window called Terminal. Press Command + Space to launch Spotlight. In the search field, type “Terminal” and double-click on the top result.
You will see a new Terminal window containing something like this (your may have more text and the last line may look a bit different; that’s ok)
Last login: Feb 10 12:44:03 on ttys003\
MacBook: \~ your_username\$
In the command window, type the following command, replacing the
YOUR_UNIQNAME with the username supplied to you by the
workshop hosts; hit Enter or Return to execute the
Note: you can copy the command below to the clipboard
and then right-click in the command window to paste.
The first time you run this command, you may see a prompt like the following; type yes and hit Enter/Return to continue.
The authenticity of host ‘…’ can’t be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:nz9lJaGEI5QFy7…. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
The command will print a warning
(e.g. Warning: Permanently added ‘SERVER_ADDRESS’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts
This is fine.
Your browser will update to show a terminal window with a banner
showing brief terms of use followed by a password challenge (below).
Type your level-1 password followed by the Enter or
Return key.
password prompt does not change as you type your password - while
unsettling, this is ok and it is actually accepting your
If you typed your password correctly, you will see a prompt for
Duo authentication; choose a method and accept the Duo challenge on your
phone or tablet.
The terminal window will update to show welcome text and a command prompt. Note that your prompt may look slightly different than below; that’s ok.
* Advanced Research Computing *
University of Michigan
Welcome to Great Lakes
User Guide:
The login nodes are for interacting with the Slurm
scheduler or code and data management; they are not for running
workloads. Users are limited to 2 cores and 4G of memory of memory
for sessions on the login nodes. For more information, see the User Guide.
The folders under /scratch are intended for data that is in active
use only. Please do not store data there for longer than 60 days.
For usage information, policies, and updates, please see: