In this module, we will:

Commonalities Between Software Management Tools

Overview of Containerized Software

The software management tools we’ve discussed so far are extremely helpful and important for reproducible research. However, they do have some limitations that we’ve mentioned, which we’ll bring into focus and elaborate in this module as we consider some additional options - containerized software. We’ll discuss in a moment what we mean by this term, but to start I’ll mention some of the additional things that containerized software can grant us:

The simplest way to think of containers is as if there is a virtual computer system, running inside of your computer. You can imagine that the hardware layout of your typical computer can also be recreated through software, and that is kind of what is happening when we use software containers. This is of course a gross simplification, but for now we can think of it in this way.

You may have already heard the term “virtual machine” in the past, and this is a technology that is related to, but distinct from containers. We will be discussing containerization software specifically, and focusing on these because containers are more efficient, streamlined, and perfectly suited for reproducibility, when compared to virtual machines. When comparing between these, some things I’d like to highlight that work highly in favor of containerized software are:

To cover some terminology and to give a broad overview of the flow of using containers, we’ll briefly discuss this figure.

Sharing Software Environments

Let’s revisit the topic of sharing analyses once again. We’ve discussed how some of you may have experienced friction when trying to share some analysis code with a collaborator or with a colleague - when they try to run the analysis on their machine they are unsuccessful. Maybe they don’t have the required software. Maybe they have some certain configuration details that are set incorrectly. Or maybe the software that you’ve given them is actually incompatible with some software that’s running on their system. In the figure above, we’ve shown a very simplistic idea for getting around these issues, which is to just share your entire laptop with your colleague. However, you can imagine that there are many practical reasons why this is not a very good solution.

We’ve discussed some solutions that can aid in these sharing tasks, without having to resort to actually sharing your entire computer with your colleague. In many ways, these solutions allow us to get past this friction. Let’s take a moment to think about our experiences with LMOD modules and conda, and describe their strengths and limitations.

Now we shift our focus back to containers, and how they can offer some solutions to the limitations of other options. An important aspect of containers that makes them powerful is that after they’re built according to specifications, the container is basically unchangeable. Once again, this is a simplification, but for the most common usages, in terms of shareability and reproducibility, we can consider it to be so.

In addition to being stable once created, it is also shareable after creation. This benefit cannot be overstated. By being able to share the static environment after it has been created, and to know that it will remain stable and usable far into the future, we can ensure reproducibility far into the future as well.

There are several ways that you can share containerized software:

  • Sharing the specification files (akin to sharing a conda recipe)
  • Sharing by hosting the images in an accessible repository (Docker Hub, Quay IO, Biocontainers)
  • Sharing the image directly (Singularity Image File)

Environment Isolation

Another important aspect of containers is their relative isolation from the host system when compared to something like Conda. Remember that when we are running software within a container, the software interacts with a completely virtualized version of the hardware system. By nature of that, that means that there is additional separation between the software in the container and the software that is outside of the container. Conda makes no such distinction, but rather uses a couple of tricks to make it easy to switch between environments.

Static Images are Stable Across Time

We’ll briefly revisit this idea and relate it to the incompatibility scenario that we described in the previous module.

Not Just Software

Containers can be bundled with more than software - things like environment variables, configuration files, etc. can be included. For some tools, this is a critical aspect of providing simple plug-and-play usability.


We’ve discussed containerized software as a concept, and now it’s time to briefly discuss a specific containerization tool - in fact arguably the most widely used container software today - Docker.

Example of a Dockerfile
FROM centos:centos7

RUN yum -y install wget gdb

COPY foo.yaml /tmp

RUN wget -P /tmp "" && \
    rpm -i /tmp/example-installer-3.2.1.el7.x86_64.rpm && \
    rm /tmp/example-installer-3.2.1.el7.x86_64.rpm

ENV PATH ${PATH}:/opt/foo/bin


Example of a Singularity definition file:

BootStrap: debootstrap
OSVersion: stable

    echo "This is what happens when you run the container..."

    echo "Hello from inside the container"
    apt-get update
    apt-get -y install fortune cowsay lolcat

    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/games

Some Quick Notes on Singularity

Exercise - srun, singularity shell, Dialog Parsing

Following along with the instructor, we’ll launch an interactive job with srun. Once we’ve entered the running job, we will use singularity with an existing docker image and launch a ‘singularity shell’. With the required python packages now available inside the running container, we’ll try our script.

srun, singularity shell, Dialog Parsing - Solution
srun --pty --job-name=${USER}_singularity_dialog_parsing --account=bioinf_wkshp_class --partition standard --mem=2000 --cpus-per-task=2 --time=00:20:00 /bin/bash

cd ${WORKSHOP_HOME}/projects/alcott_dialog_parsing
mkdir results_singularity_A
module load singularity

singularity shell docker://umichbfxcore/rcom_nlp_env:0.1.1

python scripts/ -i inputs/alcott_little_women_full.txt -o results_singularity_A -p ADJ -c 'Jo,Meg,Amy,Beth,Laurie'

We’ll take a look at the resulting word lists after running the script.

Note: We’ll use the same running srun job for the next exercise as well

Exercise - Continued srun, singularity exec, Dialog Parsing

Following along with the instructor, we’ll continue to use the same, running, srun job. This time we’ll use singularity exec to run our script.

Continued srun, singularity exec, Dialog Parsing - Solution
pwd  # Ensure that we're in the alcott_dialog_parsing project directory
mkdir results_singularity_B
module list  # Ensure that we have the singularity module loaded

singularity exec docker://umichbfxcore/rcom_nlp_env:0.1.1 python scripts/ -i inputs/alcott_little_women_full.txt -o results_singularity_B -p ADJ -c 'Jo,Meg,Amy,Beth,Laurie'

Once again we’ll take a look at the resulting word lists.

Exercise - SBATCH, singularity exec, Dialog Parsing

Following along with the instructor, we’ll create an SBATCH file that will use singularity exec to run dialog parsing. We’ll use what we’ve learned to construct an appropriate file, and then submit it with sbatch.

Exercise - srun, singularity shell, Word Cloud

Following along with the instructor, we’ll launch an interactive job with srun. Once we’ve entered the running job, we’ll use singularity shell and try running our script on an extracted word list.

srun, singularity shell, Word Cloud - Solution
srun --pty --job-name=${USER}_singularity_word_cloud --account=bioinf_wkshp_class --partition standard --mem=500 --cpus-per-task=1 --time=00:05:00 /bin/bash

module list
module load singularity

cd ${WORKSHOP_HOME}/projects/alcott_dialog_parsing
singularity shell docker://umichbfxcore/rcom_nlp_env:0.1.1

python scripts/ -i results_singularity_B/Jo_adj.txt

After running the command, we’ll check for the existence of the expected output file results_singularity_B/Jo_adj.png, then look at it via Great Lakes’ web-based file browser.

Link to Great Lakes Dashboard if needed

Exercise - SBATCH, singularity exec, Word Clouds

Following along with the instructor, we’ll create an SBATCH file that will use singularity exec to create word clouds for Beth’s lists of adjectives. We’ll use what we’ve learned to construct an appropriate file, and then submit it with sbatch.

If we’re confident in our SBATCH file and are satisfied with our results, then we’ll make copies of the SBATCH file for each separate character, and submit them with sbatch. Finally, we’ll review our results.

Demonstration - Remote Build of a Singularity Image

So far we’ve only demonstrated uses where we use existing docker or singularity images. While we’ve shown that this is powerful and easy to use, we aren’t taking full advantage of singularity’s capabilities without building new images.

We won’t dive deeply into the topic of how to build singularity containers, but we want to demonstrate that it is possible to do so. It’s not quite straightforward to run the build steps on Great Lakes, but with a little bit of extra setup it is possible to use a remote (cloud) builder, which we’ll demonstrate.

For more information about the remote build process, see the documentation here:

Link to documentation on remote builds

Demo Remote Build - Solution

We’ll create a singularity definition file called cowsay.def

nano cowsay.def

Contents of cowsay.def are shown in the singularity definition file shown in the above lesson.

Note, to use the remote builder with the --remote flag, you must follow the instructions on remote builds above - create an account and generate a token online, then use singularity remote login.

singularity build --remote cowsay.sif cowsay.def

After this, we have a singularity image file, cowsay.sif that we can use with singularity shell cowsay.sif or singularity exec cowsay.sif cowsay Mooo

Review of LMOD, Conda, Docker, and Singularity

In choosing any tool, we must consider the inherent trade-offs between simplicity, portability, and durability.

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