In this module, we will:
Again, we’ll provide the link to ARC’s general overview page on Great Lakes here:
We may have briefly mentioned the concept of a login node and a worker node when getting acquainted with Great Lakes, but we kept the explanation minimal, and only stated the fact that resources must be specified ahead of time for our tasks. With this figure we can dive a bit deeper into how this works.
For our benefit, ARC has made available a plethora of widely used and oft-requested software tools, via their module system. We may refer to this module system as LMOD. We won’t cover the details of how it works, however we’ll demonstrate their usage and get a feel for using these LMOD modules on Great Lakes in our exercises.
The usage is very simple:
module list
to list currently loaded modulesmodule load <name-of-module>
to enable a
particular modulemodule unload <name-of-module>
to disable that
modulemodule purge
to unload all modulesmodule keyword <keyword>
to search the modules
for a particular keywordmodule spider <name-of-module>
to view all
versions of a particular software - many different versions may be
availablemodule avail
to list all LMOD modules availableWe’ll use these command-line methods for exploring and using LMOD modules in our exercises shortly, but it may also be helpful to later review this link to all software modules available on various ARC HPC clusters.
We’ve taken a look into how, but now we’re going to go a little deeper on the why aspect - why is the HPC cluster set up this way?
Remember, this infrastructure must support the entire university. This means that we need a system to provide resources in a controlled, efficient, and reasonably fair way.
By having formal mechanisms for requesting resources, and utilizing a job queue and a scheduler to allocate resources and assign them to jobs, we can achieve these goals.
We’ve gained a little experience with some types of interactive jobs,
for instance during our RStudio
demonstration. During that
preview, we mentioned that there are other ways of doing requesting
resources for interactive jobs, and we’ll discuss those here.
We’ve just logged in using SSH to the Great Lakes HPC, and now we’re all interacting with the login node. Thinking back to yesterday when we were writing the README file, we were similarly interacting with the login node. We mentioned that we can’t do anything compute-intensive here, and instead offered the OpenOnDemand apps as an alternative.
What we didn’t discuss was that where we are now - on the login node - we have the ability to request resources and run jobs via the command line. These are the powerful abilities that we alluded to, and we have two ways of doing this - interactive and scripted jobs.
When we speak of interactive jobs on the command line, what we really mean is that we request resources in a special way so that once they are granted, our shell will be ‘sent’ into a worker node, and we will be able to interact with a command-line interface that is running inside of our worker node. We’ll have all of our desired resources, and we’ll be able to execute our compute-intensive tasks in an interactive way.
In some of the educational material provided by ARC, a lot of times they will introduce this idea later on, or briefly mentioned as an aside. However, we want to introduce it right away, because it’s very useful as a starting point, and is a great way to ‘right-size’ your scripted jobs, which we’ll cover in a moment.
When would we want to run an interactive job?
How do we launch an interactive job from the command line? See the example here:
srun --pty --job-name=${USER}_hello_alcott --account=bioinf_wkshp_class --partition standard --mem=2000 --cpus-per-task=1 --time=00:30:00 /bin/bash
When we talk about scripted jobs, generally we mean that inside of a file we place commands that we want to run in order - a script - along with the resource requirements.
In this case, when the resources become available, the contents of the script are executed on a worker node. There is no interaction with the running job. Any feedback that we’d normally receive in the terminal, can go to a log file. We’ll see an example of this.
When would we want to run scripted jobs?
What does a scripted job look like? See the dropdown section here:
# The interpreter used to execute the script
#“#SBATCH” directives that convey submission options:
#SBATCH --job-name=Hello_SBATCH
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=400m
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --account=bioinf_wkshp_class
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --output=/nfs/turbo/umms-bioinf-wkshp/workshop/home/%u/intro_scripts/%x-%j.log
# The application(s) to execute along with its input arguments and options:
echo "Hello, SBATCH!"
sleep 60
Briefly, we place our resource requirements at the top of our file -
the preamble - and then we place our scripted commands until the end of
the file. Once we have our file written - our SBATCH file - we’ll launch
it with the command sbatch
. For example:
sbatch <name-of-SBATCH-file>
We’ll have a chance to try this in a moment, after we get warmed up with some interactive jobs.
Note: We’re just going to demonstrate some of the most salient bits of requesting resources. There are a lot more informational resources available at ARC’s SLURM user guide.
Following along with the instructor, we will inspect the
shell script that each of us have in our
directory, review the preamble and body of
it, and then submit it with sbatch
. Once it is running, we
will use squeue
to view the status of the job. After it
completes, we’ll view its log.
source /nfs/turbo/umms-bioinf-wkshp/workshop/home/${USER}/
cd ${WORKSHOP_HOME}/intro_scripts
sbatch ./
# While the job is running, check the job queue with:
squeue -u $USER
with LMOD - Revisiting hello_alcott
ExamplesFollowing along with the instructor, we’ll launch an interactive job
with srun
, load the python LMOD module, and then revisit
our hello_alcott examples.
with LMOD hello_alcott - Solution
srun --pty --job-name=${USER}_hello_alcott --account=bioinf_wkshp_class --partition standard --mem=500 --cpus-per-task=1 --time=00:10:00 /bin/bash
cd ${WORKSHOP_HOME}/intro_scripts
which python
module spider python
module load python/3.11.5
which python
python -i ${WORKSHOP_HOME}/intro_data/alcott_little_women_full.txt
Note: Type the command
to exit from a running interactive job. This will put you back onto the log in node and free up remaining resources.
Following along with the instructor, we’ll create an SBATCH script
that is similar to our previous srun
exercise, but this
time we will launch it with sbatch
and see how that
mkdir -p projects/hello_alcott
cp intro_scripts/ projects/hello_alcott/
cd projects/hello_alcott
Edit the file appropriately - We’ll use the web-based text editor for
ease-of-use, but a command-line based text editor like nano
could also work well here.
When we’re happy with our SBATCH script, we can submit it.
We’ll look for the log file in our project folder, and inspect it for the outputs.
Note: If you have the python module loaded, make sure to
it, so that it does not interfere with the exercises in the next sections!
module unload python
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