We can extend our analysis by performing some parameter iteration to determine how that impacts our clustering (and might impact our later results).
### Bonus content -----------------------------
#### Load library and data ------
# After restarting our R session, load the required libraries
# Then load in integrated data from instructor
geo2_so = readRDS('/home/workshop/rcavalca/ISC_R/results/rdata/geo_so_sct_integrated.rds')
#### Clustering - testing alternative PCs ------------
# look at elbow plot to check PCs and alternatives to the 13 selected for initial analysis
ElbowPlot(geo2_so, ndims = 50, reduction = 'unintegrated.sct.pca')
# Round 1: try with reduced number of PCs
pcs = 10
# generate nearest neighbor (graph), using selected number of PCs
geo2_so = FindNeighbors(geo2_so, dims = 1:pcs, reduction = 'integrated.sct.rpca')
# Round 2: adjust resolution after testing PCs (remember this only impacts the how the boundaries of the neighbors are drawn, not the underlying NN graph/structure)
# start with one resolution, but can see impact of changing this parameter by changing which commands are commented out/run
res = 0.4
# res = 1.0
# res = 0.2
# generate clusters, using `pcs` and `res` to make a custom cluster name that will be added to the metadata
geo2_so = FindClusters(geo2_so, resolution = res,
cluster.name = paste0('int.sct.rpca.clusters_',pcs,'PC.',res,'res'))
# look at meta.data to see cluster labels
# Prep for UMAP plots by creating reduction (using the reduction name we assigned in the last step)
# Note - only want to include the `pcs` in the reduction name since `res` changes the cluster divisions but not reduction run at this step
geo2_so = RunUMAP(geo2_so, dims = 1:pcs,
reduction = 'integrated.sct.rpca',
reduction.name = paste0('umap.integrated.sct.rpca_',pcs,'PC'))
# check object ot see if named reduction was added
# plot clustering results
post_integration_umap_clusters_testing =
DimPlot(geo2_so, group.by = 'seurat_clusters', label = TRUE,
reduction = paste0('umap.integrated.sct.rpca_',pcs,'PC')) + NoLegend()
post_integration_umap_clusters_testing # look at plot
# output to file, including the number of PCs and resolution used to generate results
ggsave(filename = paste0('results/figures/umap_int_sct_clusters_',
plot = post_integration_umap_clusters_testing,
width = 8, height = 6, units = 'in')
## Discard all ggplot objects currently in environment to manage memory usage
# Ok since we saved the plots as we went along
rm(list=names(which(unlist(eapply(.GlobalEnv, is.ggplot)))));
## Optional - Save a copy of the Seurat object in its current state
# saveRDS(geo2_so, file = paste0('results/rdata/geo_so_sct_integrated_',pcs,'PC.',res,'res','.rds'))
## Next, generate markers to see how that changes
# prep for cluster comparisons
geo2_so = SetIdent(geo2_so, value = paste0('int.sct.rpca.clusters_',pcs,'PC.',res,'res'))
geo2_so = PrepSCTFindMarkers(geo2_so, assay = "SCT")
# NOTE - this step will take some time to run - if your R session crashes, it means the server ran out of memory; wait a litle and then re-start your session and either load the intermediate Robject just saved to file or start at the top of the script and re-run
# Run comparisons for each cluster to generate markers, limiting to positive FCs
geo2_markers = FindAllMarkers(geo2_so, only.pos = TRUE)
# Create table of top 5 markers per cluster (using default ranking)
top_5 = geo2_markers %>% filter(p_val_adj < 0.01) %>% group_by(cluster) %>% slice_head(n = 5)
head(top_5, n = 10) # look at results
# Write top markers to file, labeling file with PC and resolution parameters used
write_csv(top_5, file = paste0('results/tables/top5_marker_genes_,',pcs,'PC.',res,'res','.csv'))
## Next - run cell type predictions for current clustering results using scCATCH
library(scCATCH) # load library
# create scCATCH object, using count data
geo2_catch = createscCATCH(data = geo2_so@assays$SCT@counts, cluster = as.character(Idents(geo2_so)))
# add marker genes to use for predictions
catch_markers = geo2_markers %>% rename('logfc' = 'avg_log2FC')
geo2_catch@markergene = geo2_markers
# specify tissues/cell-types from the scCATCH reference
geo2_catch@marker = cellmatch[cellmatch$species == 'Mouse' & cellmatch$tissue %in% c('Blood', 'Peripheral Blood', 'Muscle', 'Skeletal muscle', 'Epidermis', 'Skin'), ]
# run scCATCH to generate predictions
geo2_catch = findcelltype(geo2_catch)
# look at the predictions
geo2_catch@celltype %>% select(cluster, cell_type, celltype_score)
## Use predictions to label clusters
# Extract the cell types only to merge into the meta.data
catch_celltypes = geo2_catch@celltype %>% select(cluster, cell_type)
colnames(catch_celltypes)[2] = paste0('cell_type.',pcs,'PC.',res,'res') # adjust column names to make unique
## Optional further extension - generate plots for known markers and then customize cluster labels as demostrated in main content here: https://umich-brcf-bioinf.github.io/workshop-intro-single-cell/2025-02-12/html/07-CellTypeAnnos.html#Using_known_cell-type_markers
# Merge cell types in but as a new table to slide into @meta.data
new_metadata = geo2_so@meta.data %>%
by = c('seurat_clusters' = 'cluster')) # using `seurat_clusters`, which will store the most recently generated cluster labels for each cell
rownames(new_metadata) = rownames(geo2_so@meta.data) # We are implicitly relying on the same row order!
# Replace the meta.data
geo2_so@meta.data = new_metadata
# Create UMAP plot with new cluster labels
catch_umap_plot = DimPlot(geo2_so, group.by = paste0('cell_type.',pcs,'PC.',res,'res'),
label = TRUE, reduction = paste0('umap.integrated.sct.rpca_',pcs,'PC'))
#### Question - If you are using the scCATCH predictions as labels, notice which clusters have the "Hematopoietic Stem Cell" label. If you look at the top markers for the original numbered clusters (or try to plot the known markers in the notes), are there alternative labels that you think would be more appropriate for those clusters?
# Save the plot to file
# output to file, including the number of PCs and resolution used to generate results
ggsave(filename = paste0('results/figures/umap_int_catch-labeled_',
plot = catch_umap_plot,
width = 8, height = 6, units = 'in')
## Clean up session
rm(list=names(which(unlist(eapply(.GlobalEnv, is.ggplot)))));
rm(catch_celltypes, catch_markers, geo2_catch, geo2_markers, new_metadata, top_5);
## Save copy of geo2_seo in current state
saveRDS(geo2_so, file = paste0('results/rdata/geo_so_sct_integrated_',pcs,'PC.',res,'res','.rds'))
## Clustering - testing with more PCs ------------
# Round 2 - choose a larger number of PCs
pcs = 22 # can try 20 or another number
# Set resolution (may need to test other values)
res = 0.4
# res = 1.0
# res = 0.2
# Run code (copied from above) - outputs will use pcs=20 and res parameters set above
# Reductions and metadata labels for clusters will be added to the existing geo2_so, with the set pcs and res values. Objects with the same name will be overwritten if code is adjusted and re-run
# generate nearest neighbor (graph) & clusters, with custom naming for metasata
geo2_so = FindNeighbors(geo2_so, dims = 1:pcs, reduction = 'integrated.sct.rpca')
geo2_so = FindClusters(geo2_so, resolution = res,
cluster.name = paste0('int.sct.rpca.clusters_',pcs,'PC.',res,'res'))
# Prep for UMAP plots by creating reduction (using the reduction name we assigned in the last step)
geo2_so = RunUMAP(geo2_so, dims = 1:pcs,
reduction = 'integrated.sct.rpca',
reduction.name = paste0('umap.integrated.sct.rpca_',pcs,'PC'))
# plot clustering results for new parameters
post_integration_umap_clusters_testing =
DimPlot(geo2_so, group.by = 'seurat_clusters', label = TRUE,
reduction = paste0('umap.integrated.sct.rpca_',pcs,'PC')) + NoLegend()
post_integration_umap_clusters_testing # look at plot
ggsave(filename = paste0('results/figures/umap_int_sct_clusters_',
plot = post_integration_umap_clusters_testing,
width = 8, height = 6, units = 'in')
## Remove ggplots and clean up environemnt
rm(list=names(which(unlist(eapply(.GlobalEnv, is.ggplot)))));
## Optional - Save a copy of the Seurat object in its current state
# saveRDS(geo2_so, file = paste0('results/rdata/geo_so_sct_integrated_',pcs,'PC.',res,'res','.rds'))
## Generate cluster markers to see how that changes with new parameters
geo2_so = SetIdent(geo2_so, value = paste0('int.sct.rpca.clusters_',pcs,'PC.',res,'res'))
geo2_so = PrepSCTFindMarkers(geo2_so, assay = "SCT") # NOTE - this step will take some time to run
geo2_markers = FindAllMarkers(geo2_so, only.pos = TRUE)
# Create table of top 5 markers per cluster (using default ranking)
top_5 = geo2_markers %>% filter(p_val_adj < 0.01) %>% group_by(cluster) %>% slice_head(n = 5)
head(top_5, n = 10) # look at results
write_csv(top_5, file = paste0('results/tables/top5_marker_genes_,',pcs,'PC.',res,'res','.csv'))
#### Question: After you generate markers, how do the results differ from the `pcs` = 10 results?
## Next - run scCATCH predictions for current clustering results
geo2_catch = createscCATCH(data = geo2_so@assays$SCT@counts, cluster = as.character(Idents(geo2_so)))
catch_markers = geo2_markers %>% rename('logfc' = 'avg_log2FC')
geo2_catch@markergene = geo2_markers
geo2_catch@marker = cellmatch[cellmatch$species == 'Mouse' & cellmatch$tissue %in% c('Blood', 'Peripheral Blood', 'Muscle', 'Skeletal muscle', 'Epidermis', 'Skin'), ]
geo2_catch = findcelltype(geo2_catch)
# Check predictions
geo2_catch@celltype %>% select(cluster, cell_type, celltype_score)
## Use predictions to label clusters- with optional extension of customizing cluster labels
catch_celltypes = geo2_catch@celltype %>% select(cluster, cell_type)
colnames(catch_celltypes)[2] = paste0('cell_type.',pcs,'PC.',res,'res')
new_metadata = geo2_so@meta.data %>%
by = c('seurat_clusters' = 'cluster')) # using `seurat_clusters`, which will store the most recently generated cluster labels for each cell
rownames(new_metadata) = rownames(geo2_so@meta.data) # We are implicitly relying on the same row order!
geo2_so@meta.data = new_metadata # Replace the meta.data
# Create UMAP plot with new cluster labels
catch_umap_plot = DimPlot(geo2_so, group.by = paste0('cell_type.',pcs,'PC.',res,'res'),
label = TRUE, reduction = paste0('umap.integrated.sct.rpca_',pcs,'PC'))
#### Question: How did the number of pcs and/or resolution change the predictions? Do you think the predictions correspond better or worse to the cluster structure we see in the UMAP?
# Save the plot to file
# output to file, including the number of PCs and resolution used to generate results
ggsave(filename = paste0('results/figures/umap_int_catch-labeled_',
plot = catch_umap_plot,
width = 8, height = 6, units = 'in')
## Clean up session
rm(list=names(which(unlist(eapply(.GlobalEnv, is.ggplot)))));
rm(catch_celltypes, catch_markers, geo2_catch, geo2_markers, new_metadata, top_5);
## Save copy of geo2_seo with
saveRDS(geo2_so, file = paste0('results/rdata/geo_so_sct_integrated_',pcs,'PC.',res,'res','.rds'))
## Further extension - how might you generate DE comparisons between D21 and D7 for all annotated clusters?
## BEFORE PROCEEDING, MAKE SURE SESSION HAS BEEN restarted and environment is clear
# After restarting our R session, load the required libraries
# load a copy of the final Seurat object (from end of Day 3)
geo_so = readRDS('/home/workshop/damki/ISC_R/results/rdata/geo_so_sct_integrated_final.rds')
# check what identities are set for the loaded Seurat object
Idents(geo_so) # expect to see Day + Cluster labels; if different identities are set, how would you change them?
# check the unique cluster labels - how many clusters are present?
## Below is comments to help guide you though the process of looping through all the comparisons of interest, for all labeled clusters
## This section from the HBC materials could be a helpful reference to aid in filling in the code: https://hbctraining.github.io/scRNA-seq_online/lessons/pseudobulk_DESeq2_scrnaseq.html
# Create list(s) of pair-wise comparisons of interest between conditions, ideally specifying Case and Control
# (e.g. Day 7 vs Day 0, Day 21 vs Day 7, Day 21 vs Day 0)
# Use list of comparisons and cluster identities to loop through comparisons of interest (for standard DE comparisons) and save results to files
# Try to use an outer `for` loop step though the comparisons listed in previous step and an inner `for` loop to cycle through all the clusters
# Bonus - summarize the DE results for the comparison, choosing a reasonable set of thresholds to call the number of DE genes, & save summary to file
# Clean up session. Caution - this next command clears your environment of all objects
rm(list = ls())
These materials have been adapted and extended from materials listed above. These are open access materials distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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